

Corporate Governance




Audit Commitee

Corporate Governance

Audit Committee

In order to fulfill the provisions of the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 55/POJK.04/2015 regarding the Establishment and Implementation Guidelines for the Audit Committee (hereinafter referred to as “POJK 55/2015”), the Company established an Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee is a committee formed by and responsible to the Board of Commissioners. The Audit Committee assists the Board of Commissioners in carrying out its supervisory duties and functions.

In accordance with POJK 55/2015, the term of office of the Audit Committee is the same as the term of office of the Board of Commissioners and can only be re-elected for the next 1 (one) term period.

The composition of the Audit Committee is as follows:

Chairman of the Audit Committee: Ms. Hongisisilia
Ms. Hongisisilia’s profile can be seen in the profile of the Board of Commissioners.
She has no affiliation with the ultimate shareholder, members of the Board of Commissioners and/or other members of the Board of Directors.

Audit Committee Members : Maria Tri Wulandari
Indonesian citizen, 40 years old. Appointed as a member of the Audit Committee since June 18, 2019.
Work experience :

  • 2000-2008: Assistant of Fruit & Vegetable department at PT Supra Boga Lestari;
  • 2008-2012: Head of Administration at PT Karya Jaya Prima Utama;
  • 2012-2018: Finance Officer at PT Bintang Fajar Sejahtera.

She obtained her Bachelor of Economics degree from Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta in 2008.
He has no affiliation with major shareholders, members of the Board of Commissioners and/or other members of the Board of Directors.

Audit Committee Charter:
The Company has an Audit Committee Charter that has been determined by the Board of Commissioners dated March 29, 2019.

Click here to download the Audit Committee Charter

Duties and Responsibilities of the Audit Committee :

  1. Reviewing the financial information that will be issued by the Company to the public and/or the authorities, including financial statements, projections, and other reports related to the Company’s financial information;
  2. Reviewing the Company’s compliance with laws and regulations related to the Company’s activities;
  3. Provide an independent opinion in the event of a difference of opinion between management and accountants on the services provided;
  4. Provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding the appointment of accountants based on independence, scope of assignment, and service fees;
  5. Reviewing the implementation of audit by internal auditors and overseeing the implementation of follow-up by the Board of Directors on the findings of internal auditors;
  6. Reviewing the implementation of risk management activities carried out by the Board of Directors, if the Company does not have a risk monitoring function under the Board of Commissioners;
  7. Reviewing complaints relating to the Company’s accounting and financial reporting processes;
  8. Review and provide advice to the Board of Commissioners regarding potential conflicts of interest of the Company;
  9. Maintain the confidentiality of the Company’s documents, data and information.

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